The new generation phone is not just a phone.Its a camera,a total address book,moreover it is an equipment to store privet data such as crdit card numbr.And now mobile phones use big storage cards. 1GB to 8GB cards are available with new a lot of sensitive data like pictures ,video,sms,contacts,creditcard numbers are stored in phone .bt everybody can operate your phone and find privet data easly when you leave the phone on table and go outside .
There is an integrated locker service which allows you to lock any application in your smartphone. Nobody can use the locked applications without the password. You can lock any important application which stores sensitive data for you like credit card numbers, financial data, passwords, images, sms messages or anything else important for you. When the phone is locked, you or somebody else have to enter the password in order to unlock and continue to use the phone as normally.
Useful information. Thanks.